Topic |
Session 1 | How to use online judges, insertion sort, greatest common divisor |
Session 2 | Prime number, maximum profit |
Session 3 | Stack, queue, list |
Session 4 | Linear search, binary search |
Session 5 | Dictionary, assignment |
Session 6 | Rooted tree |
Session 7 | Binary trees, patrols of trees, reconstruction of trees |
Session 8 | Binary search tree (insertion, search) |
Session 9 | Binary search tree (deleted) |
Session 10 | Full binary tree, maximum heap tree |
Session 11 | Graph, depth-first search |
Session 12 | Breadth-first search, connected component decomposition |
Session 13 | Minimum tree, shortest path search |
Session 14 | Final exam |
**This content is based on April 1, 2024. For the latest syllabus information and details, please check the