Computer Architecture

Course Purpose
To understand the principle of computers.
Learning Goals
On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Understand the representation of integers and floating point numbers inside computers, and translate back and forth with decimal numbers
- Understand the principle of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shift, and logical operations in the binary number system, and their usage
- Understand assembly programs and their role, and can translate back and forth with machine languages
- Understand that there are variety of instruction set architectures and explain the diff erences and the pros and cons of them
- Understand the principle of memory devices and their usage inside computers
- Understand the operating principle of the cache memory and the virtual memory and explain their merits and demerits
- Understand the type and the their processing principle of interrupts
Session 1Lecture outline, computer configuration, integer representation
Session 2Computer arithmetic
Session 3Instruction set (1 RISC example)
Session 4Instruction set (2 CISC example)
Session 5Main memory
Session 6Interrupts and I / O
Session 7Mid-term exam (1)
Session 8Cache and virtual memory
Session 9Floating point number
Session 10Microarchitecture
Session 11Pipeline control method
Session 12Mid-term exam (2)
Session 13High-speed control method
Session 14Exercise
**This content is based on April 1, 2024. For the latest syllabus information and details, please check the syllabus information inquiry page provided by the university.**