Exercise in Data Structure & Algorithms

Course Purpose
The purpose of this course is to be able to appropriately select algorithm and data structure for a given computational problem.
Learning Goals
The goal is to make programs which fulfill the computational and space requirements for various computational problems on the basis of the knowledge acquired in the lecture "Data Structure & Algorithm".
Session 1How to use online judges, insertion sort, greatest common divisor
Session 2Prime number, maximum profit
Session 3Stack, queue, list
Session 4Linear search, binary search
Session 5Dictionary, assignment
Session 6Rooted tree
Session 7Binary trees, patrols of trees, reconstruction of trees
Session 8Binary search tree (insertion, search)
Session 9Binary search tree (deleted)
Session 10Full binary tree, maximum heap tree
Session 11Graph, depth-first search
Session 12Breadth-first search, connected component decomposition
Session 13Minimum tree, shortest path search
Session 14Final exam
**This content is based on April 1, 2024. For the latest syllabus information and details, please check the syllabus information inquiry page provided by the university.**