Computer Graphics

Course Purpose
Computer graphics (CG) technology is used in various media such as images, videos, interactive media, etc. The purpose of this lecture is for students to learn the basic knowledge about these various processing and expression, and to get interest and deeper understandings by applied and related case examples.
Learning Goals
Students will get the basic knowledge about various CG technology and expression based on it, and to get interest and deeper understanding of CGs.
Session 1Introduction
Session 2Overview of 3D CG technology (1)
Session 3Overview of 3D CG technology (2)
Session 4Coordinate transformation
Session 5Projection, boundary representation
Session 6Curve (1)
Session 7Basics of graphic design
Session 8Application of graphic design
Session 9Curve (2)
Session 10Hidden surface removal/Mapping
Session 11Animation
Session 12Physics simulation (1)
Session 13Physics simulation (2)
Session 14Comprehensive exercise
**This content is based on April 1, 2024. For the latest syllabus information and details, please check the syllabus information inquiry page provided by the university.**